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Four undocumented Vietnamese in Tainan to be deported

06/23/2024 08:49 PM
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Photo courtesy of a private contributor
Photo courtesy of a private contributor

Tainan, June 23 (CNA) Four undocumented Vietnamese were questioned by police in Tainan on Saturday and handed over to the National Immigration Agency (NIA), after it was found that they had overstayed their visas, city police said Sunday.

The four Vietnamese are now being held by the NIA, which will start the deportation process, police told reporters.

Tainan police said they received a tip Saturday that a packed car was spotted in the city's Yongkang District, carrying migrants who were believed to be undocumented workers.

The police said they stopped the car, which was being driven by a Taiwanese, and questioned the four passengers -- a married couple and two men, all Vietnamese.

According to police, the couple and one of the men had entered Taiwan on tourist visas, which they had overstayed, while the other man had a work visa, but his residency had expired in August 2022.

During questioning, the four Vietnamese said they had been working asmanual laborers, police said but did not name any employers.

A preliminary investigation found that the four Vietnamese nationals had not committed any other offenses, therefore, the cases will be handed over to an NIA special task force, which is keeping them in detention and will arrange their deportation, police said.

(By Yang Szu-rui and Evelyn Kao)


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