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People safe, operations intact at fire-hit plant in Taichung: Micron

06/21/2024 01:00 PM
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Taipei, June 21 (CNA) Micron Taiwan, a major producer of memory chips, said Friday that the fire that hit its factory in Houli District in Taichung on Thursday night did not affect the plant's operations or the safety of its workers and contractors.

The Taichung City Fire Bureau received a report at 5:34 p.m. Thursday that a fire broke out in a factory located on Sanfeng Road in Houli, which turned out to be a Micron Taiwan production facility.

The bureau immediately dispatched dozens of firefighters and vehicles from six units to the scene, while Micron activated its emergency response team. As a result, the fire was put out quickly, according to the bureau.

Firefighters said Thursday that when they arrived at the factory, they saw fire-damaged high-pressure gas cylinders and signs of leaking, but no fire. No individuals were injured either, they said.

The fire bureau said the fire was put out by the plant's automatic fire extinguishing system after around 2 square meters of space had been burned, and an investigation into the accident has been launched.

The Houli plant is a key producer of dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chips, and the fire had raised concerns that supplies could be affected, but the company indicated that the plant's operations remained normal.

Micron Technology, Inc., the parent company of Micron subsidiaries in Taiwan, is an American producer of computer memory and computer data storage including DRAM, flash memory, and USB flash drives. It is headquartered in Boise, Idaho.

(By Chang Chien-chung, Su Mu-chun and Elizabeth Hsu)


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