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Taiwan mulls legalization of surrogacy, with high threshold

05/14/2024 10:20 PM
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A medical personnel works on assisted reproductive procedures. CNA file photo
A medical personnel works on assisted reproductive procedures. CNA file photo

Taipei, May 14 (CNA) The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced Tuesday plans to amend the Assisted Reproductive Act, which will legalize surrogacy with stringent conditions.

The amendment is expected to benefit groups such as infertile heterosexual, lesbian and gay couples, should they meet certain requirements, the ministry said.

Firstly, the amendment specifies that at least one individual in the couple must be under the age of 50.

For the first two categories, all females involved must be in a condition where they lack a uterus, have uterine issues, or other health concerns that make a safe pregnancy impossible, according to the ministry.

Regarding the criteria for surrogate mothers, they must possess Taiwanese household registration, be 20-39 years old and certified as physically and mentally healthy.

The surrogate mothers must have experience with full-term and natural birth, the ministry said, adding that they must provide the service free of charge, with a maximum limit of one service per surrogate.

However, surrogate mothers are entitled to allowances that ensure safe pregnancy, postpartum care and any cost incurred during the process.

The surrogate child must have a genetic relationship with at least one partner in the commissioning couple, the ministry said.

While surrogate mothers will not have a genetic relationship with the surrogate children, they will be allowed visitation rights for at least two years after delivery.

The proposal will be open for public feedback until July 13, with the aim of undergoing Cabinet review by the end of this year, according to the ministry.

(By Chen Chieh-ling and Lee Hsin-Yin)


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