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Speaker suggests people visit Yunlin for National Day fireworks

10/01/2024 08:51 PM
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Photo courtesy of Yulin County government
Photo courtesy of Yulin County government

Taipei, Oct. 1 (CNA) Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜) encouraged people to visit Yulin County for its first ever Oct. 10 National Day fireworks display at a news conference on Tuesday.

Holding the National Day fireworks in Yunlin can help shine a light on a county often underestimated, Han, who also heads the National Day preparation committee, said at the press event.

The National Day celebrations in Yunlin will be in Huwei Township, just several minutes' walk from the high-speed rail station.

Since 2000, the National Day fireworks display has been held in different cities or counties every year. Kaohsiung hosted the first National Day fireworks held outside the capital city of Taipei in 2000, and last year's event took place in Taichung.

According to the Yunlin County government, the 40-minute firework display will begin at 8 p.m. on National Day, featuring 400 drones and holographic projections.

Several cultural icons Yunlin is known for, including the sea goddess Mazu and popular glove puppetry character Su Huan-jen (素還真), will also appear in the show, according to the county government.

The celebrations in Yulin will begin at 4:30 p.m. on Oct. 10 with a series of performances by local groups, followed by popular singers Huang Fei (黃妃) and Nana Lee (李千娜), and boyband VERA, the county government confirmed.

(By Chiang Yi-ching and Kay Liu)


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