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President Lai congratulates Modi on his reelection as India's Prime Minister

06/05/2024 09:47 PM
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Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi gestures as he arrives at Bharatiya Janata Party headquarters in New Delhi, India, June 4, 2024. Photo: Reuters
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi gestures as he arrives at Bharatiya Janata Party headquarters in New Delhi, India, June 4, 2024. Photo: Reuters

Taipei, June 5 (CNA) President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) on Wednesday congratulated Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for winning a reelection, and expressed hopes that Taiwan and India will forge closer ties.

In a statement, Presidential Office spokesperson Kuo Ya-hui (郭雅慧) said Lai sincerely congratulated the Indian government and people for completing the parliamentary vote through a democratic process.

Lai said he hoped the Indian government led by Modi will push for its policies smoothly and boost prosperity in the country, according to Kuo.

Kuo said as India is one of Taiwan's important partners and shares its democratic values, their partnership has been strengthened in recent years.

She said Lai hoped the two partners will continue to work closely via economic, technology, education and cultural exchanges to forge closer ties, and based on the existing solid foundation of their relationship, make contributions to democracy, peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.

After the Election Commission of India issued the final confirmation early Wednesday, Modi will take up a third consecutive term as prime minister of the country.

(By Wen Kuei-hsiang and Frances Huang)


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