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Chinese rocket posed no threat passing over Taiwan: Defense ministry

06/22/2024 05:08 PM
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The satellite launch in Xichang, China on June 22, 2024. Photo: China News Service
The satellite launch in Xichang, China on June 22, 2024. Photo: China News Service

Taipei, June 22 (CNA) A Chinese launch vehicle carrying a satellite flew over southern Taiwan Saturday afternoon, but it presented no threat to the country, the Ministry of National Defense (MND) said.

The rocket was launched at 3 p.m. from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan, China, and it had already left Earth's atmosphere when it passed over Taiwan, according to the MND.

The ministry said it had been closely monitoring the launch and tracking the real-time information, using its intelligence and surveillance systems, and had informed the Taiwan public on Friday of the imminent launch.

(By Sean Lin)


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