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MAC urges China to face history on eve of June 4 incident anniversary

06/03/2024 10:16 PM
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Visitors browse through artworks in an exhibition held in Taipei since May 20 to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the violent crackdown by Chinese authorities on pro-democracy protesters in Beijing. CNA photo May 23, 2024
Visitors browse through artworks in an exhibition held in Taipei since May 20 to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the violent crackdown by Chinese authorities on pro-democracy protesters in Beijing. CNA photo May 23, 2024

Taipei, June 3 (CNA) Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council (MAC), which supervises cross-strait policy, on Monday, the day before the 35th anniversary of the June 4 Incident, urged the Chinese authorities to face the true history about the incident and respect democracy in Taiwan.

In a statement, the MAC said at a time when China is accelerating efforts to comprehensively deepen reforms and allow its people live better lives, the Chinese authorities should bravely face the history of the "June 4 incident," and address the wrongs committed.

The Tiananmen Square massacre, also known as the June Fourth Incident, occurred on June 4, 1989 in Beijing, when thousands of student-led demonstrators calling for democracy, free speech and a free press in China were brutally crushed by the military.

Estimates of the number of deaths related to the incident range from a few hundred to several thousand due to a lack of concrete proof and records.

The MAC called for Beijing to adopt a softer and more open stance, to accommodate different opinions and listen to the voices of its people about their desire to pursue democracy, freedom and the rights of citizens.

The MAC said the Chinese authorities should take concrete action to implement democracy and protect human rights, paving the way for a modern society and the long reign of peace and stability.

China should also respect the way people in Taiwan live in a democracy and raise its awareness that Taiwan's efforts in pursuing democracy are a precious asset cherished by people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, the MAC said.

The universal values of democracy, freedom and peace are the key to closing the gap between people on the two sides, it added.

(By Hsieh Yi-hsuan and Frances Huang)


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