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Height requirements for firefighters mulled by Constitutional Court

01/16/2024 09:00 PM
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Taiwan's Constitutional Court. CNA file photo
Taiwan's Constitutional Court. CNA file photo

Taipei, Jan. 16 (CNA) A controversy surrounding the eligibility of individuals officially deemed too short to work as firefighters was debated at the Constitutional Court Tuesday.

The issue was brought to the court by a woman who argued such restrictions are unconstitutional, after losing a similar case at the Supreme Administrative Court.

The 158.9 cm tall woman, surnamed Chen (陳), requested a constitutional interpretation in mid-2022 after the National Fire Agency rejected her for formal training in 2019 due to the 160 cm height requirement, although she had at that time already passed other required tests.

Prior to the Constitutional Court, Chen filed a lawsuit at the Taipei High Administrative Court, which ruled in her favor. However, the Supreme Administrative Court overturned that decision in 2021.

Under Taiwan's regulations for hiring police and firefighters, male staff must be taller than 165 cm, and female staff taller than 160 cm, with slightly lower height requirements for Indigenous people.

However, Chen argued that such a restriction unlawfully infringes her right to serve in public office and sought to challenge it at the Constitutional Court, which called for a debate on Tuesday including Chen, her lawyer, experts and government officials.

According to the National Fire Agency, there is a practical reason for the height rule, with firefighting work requiring people who have a certain body type as they can use fire fighting equipment more efficiently.

Chen's height could potentially also create a "blind spot" if she were to drive firetrucks, while her taller colleagues could find it difficult to carry a stretcher with her due to the height difference, the agency said.

According to the law, the Constitutional Court must make a determination within three months, with a two-month extension available if necessary.

(By Lin Chang-shun, Huang Li-yun and Lee Hsin-Yin)


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