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Taiwan condemns China's intercontinental ballistic missile test

09/26/2024 05:37 PM
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Taipei, Sept. 26 (CNA) Taiwan's government on Thursday condemned China's test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile into the Pacific Ocean as "an attempt to undermine regional peace and stability."

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) successfully fired an intercontinental ballistic missile at 8:44 a.m. on Wednesday, China's defense ministry said in a statement posted to social media later that day.

The missile carried a simulated warhead and landed in international waters, the statement said.

China's defense ministry said the launch was part of the PLA Rocket Force's routine annual training, adding that the test had complied with international law and was not directed against any country or target.

However, Taiwan's various government agencies quickly condemned the missile test.

In a statement, the Presidential Office lambasted China's attempt to undermine regional peace and stability, calling on Beijing to exercise self-restraint and be a responsible regional actor.

The Cabinet stressed that as a responsible member of the international community, Taiwan would work closely with the United States and other like-minded countries to maintain regional peace, stability, and prosperity.

Meanwhile, Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that many countries in the Indo-Pacific region had expressed concerns about China's "irresponsible actions."

The ministry added that Taiwan will continue to work with like-minded countries to curb the expansion of authoritarianism and jointly safeguard peace, stability and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.

Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense (MND) accused Beijing of "saber rattling" over the test and live-fire drills by the PLA's Eastern Theater Command in the Yellow and Bohai seas.

The MND charged China with creating the "illusion of peaceful dialogue" by having the head of the PLA's Southern Theater Command conduct overseas exchanges while the drills were ongoing.

Beginning at 8 a.m. on Thursday, 29 Chinese aircraft were detected near Taiwan, including 21 that crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait or its extension into Taiwan's air defense identification zone (ADIZ) off the northern, central and southwestern parts of the country, according to the MND.

(By Matt Yu, Lai Yu-chen, Wen Kuei-hsiang, Yang Yao-ju and Evelyn Kao)


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